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sanjin watermelon frost series
sanjin watermelon frost series a 100-year-old good medicine for throat
sanjin watermelon frost insufflations
swollen painful throat,hoarseness,or inflammation of the throat,or retropharyngeal abscess,or tonsillitis,or aphthous.stomatitis,sores on the mouth and tonsillitis,or aphthous stomatitis,sores on the mouth and tongue,or gingival abscess;acute and chronic
sanjin watermelon frost lozenges
prevention of swollen sore throat, hoareseness of voice, throat impediment, tonsillitis, oral erosion, mouth and tongue sores, gum abscess; acute and chronic pharyngolarynigitis, mouth ulcers, stomatitis,swelling painful gum.
for the treatment of sore throat
prevention of swollen sore throat, hoareseness of voice, throat impediment, tonsillitis, oral erosion, mouth and tongue sores, gum abscess; acute and chronic pharyngolarynigitis, mouth ulcers, stomatitis,swelling painful gum.
watermelon frost spray
clearing heat and detoxicating, eliminate the swelling and relieving sore throat. it’s used in acute pharyngeal tunefaction with symptoms of sore throat, throat burning, throat swelling, or diffichult swallowing, acute pharyigitis or acute attack of phary
sanjin tablets
for the treatment of uti(urinary tract infection)
vertigo-calming tablet
for the treatment of vertigo. with the symptoms such as dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, dizziness, insomnia, palpitation, chest tightness, dizziness etc.
naomaitai capsule
used in ischemic stroke (cerebral block). the syndrome is shown: hemiplegia, crooked tongue, difficult in speaking or silent, dizzy, numb-body, white face, short and weak breath, numbness, mouth salivation. it can also be used for mild syndrome of the abo
fufuang honggencao tablet
clear heat and eliminate toxicity. for acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis, enteritis, dysentery and so on.
notoginseng capsule
stopping bleeding and easing pain, dissolving stasis and producing new blood. it’s used to treat all kinds of hemorrhagic diseases of static blood obstruction and blood failing to stay in the channels, and static blood swelling and pain.
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