naomaitai capsule-凯发k8天生赢家

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  [name of drug]:naomaitai capsule

  [properties]:the drug is capsule preparation, the contents are brown powder, including small brown granule; a little bitter and astringent.

  [pharmacological action]:in focal cerebral ischemia model induced by cerebral artery occlusion in rats, the drug has behavior obstacles on improving cerebral ischemia animal and narrows area of cerebel infarction.

  [ingredients]:radices pseudoginseng, ginkgo biloba, chinese angelica, safflower, salvia, hawthorn, millettia, red ginseng, chrysanthemum, concha haliotidis, polygonum multiflorum, tatarinowii schott, pueraria lobata.

  [functions and indications]:used in ischemic stroke (cerebral block). the syndrome is shown: hemiplegia, crooked tongue, difficult in speaking or silent, dizzy, numb-body, white face, short and weak breath, numbness, mouth salivation. it can also be used for mild syndrome of the above disease in its acute period.

  [administration and dosage]:oral ingestion.2 capsules each time, 3 times daily.

  [appproved number]:cfda no.z19980094

  naomaitai is a new chinese patent drug prepared by mr zhou jieming who is a traditional chinese medicinal specialist with outstanding contributions by adopting contemporary medicinal science and technology. according to the cause of disease and pathogenesis of faint and stroke, he gathered the good points of ancient and present medical scientists. according to traditional chinese medical scientific theory of “qi (the vital energy) is command in chief of blood, blood goes as qi goes” and “to treat blood at first before treating stroke. if blood is healthy, stroke will disappear automatically”, he also utilized traditional chinese medicinal advantages of anti-senility, eliminating diseases, supplementing the vital energy and activating blood circulation, dispersing blood stasis and dredging collateral, and chose genuine tcms of red ginseng, notoginseng , ginkgo leaf, salvia , pueraria, tangkuei to constitute this prescription reasonably. it is markedly effective to prevent and treat faint, signal symptoms of stroke, and stroke.

  clinical and pharmacological researches demonstrate that sanjin naomaitai has the following characteristics:

  1. double functions of treatment and prevention, it has markedly therapeutic effects for prevention and treatment of early stage of stroke (faint, signal symptoms of stroke, or mild case of acute stage of stroke) and recovery stage of stroke.

  2. it has good effects of supplementing the vital energy and activating blood circulation, dispersing blood stasis and dredging collateral, stopping wind and eliminating phlegm. especially markedly effective to treat faint and ischemic stroke for deficiency of the vital energy, blood stasis, wind phlegm, impatency of an artery or a vein-------cerebral infarction (cerebral thrombosis, cerebral embolism).

  3. anti atherosclerosis, anti abnormality of blood lipid, activating blood vessel, anti aging of brain blood vessel. decreasing level of tc and tg of the patients for abnormality of blood lipid, elevating hdl—c level, elevating the proportionality of hdl—c/tc.

  4. anti abnormality of hemorrheology and haemodynamics. it may increase blood flow of brain blood vessel, increase blood supply of brain, improve blood circulation, inhibit and resolve the increase of blood viscosity, inhibit abnormality of agglutination, inhibit and solve thrombosis, reduce and resolute area of cerebral infarction, anti abnormality of blood pressure. it may decrease the systolic pressure and diastolic pressure of hypertension patients.

  5. improves metabolism of brain blood vessel, palliate permeability of capillary blood vessel of brain tissue and affection of brain tissue, therefore improves micro circulation of brain blood, protects activating cerebrocellula.

  6. sanjin naomaitai is safe in administration. the results of safety examinations demonstrate it has no untoward effect for human body, heart, liver, lung, kidney, and peripheral blood pictures.

  at present, there are many drugs used for acute stage of stroke, but the single-minded effective drugs used for prevention and treatment of early stage of stroke (faint, signal symptoms of stroke, or mild case of acute stage of stroke) and recovery stage of stroke are rarely seen. the successful preparation of sanjin naomaitai has brought about good news for middle and old aged persons above 40 years old, the patients of faint and hidden stroke.

  crowd of application:

  the patients of faint, mild case of acute stage of stroke, and the patients in recovery treatment stage of stroke: 3 times daily, 2-3 capsules each time. after one course of administration (1 month), main symptoms may be eliminated on the whole.

  the persons above 40 years old, especially the persons suffers from hypertension, coronary heart disease, cerebral arteriosclerosis, hyperlipmia, hyperviscosity of blood, diabetes, hyperosteogeny of cervical spine etc and has phenomena of blood viscosity and angiosclerosis: 1-2 times daily, 1-2 capsules each time. long term administration may anti atherosclerosis, anti abnormality of blood lipid, activate blood vessel, anti aging of brain blood vessel, eliminate faint and hidden troubles of stroke.

  the powder of this product may be solved in appropriate warm boiled water for administration.

  specialist’s explanation

  ⅰ.what is called stroke?

  stroke is commonly seen acute cerebrovascular disease for middle and old aged persons, also is one of three main causes of die of illness (stroke, heart disease, and cancer).it is local disturbance of blood circulation of brain caused by affection of brain blood vessel or cervical vascular affection which controls brain. it makes brain tissue’s local ischemia, malacia, and necrosis, causes damage of acute cerebral function, and appears the symptoms of nervous dysfunction. it has the characteristics of high incidence, high death rate, high disability rate and recurrence rate, and in therapeutic survival patients, only about 10% of patients may recover to normal, 50% of patients have serious sequel, can’t look after themselves in their daily life, others have different degrees of sequel. therefore stroke is an important disease for people to prevent.

  stroke is divided into two kinds of ischemic stroke and bleeding. ischemic stroke is also called cerebral infarction, has two kinds of cerebral thrombosis and cerebral embolism. its main cause of disease and pathological basis are atherosclerosis. because the brain-controlled atherosclerosis makes lumen of blood become narrow and local blood vessel obstruction of brain caused by slow blood flow, increase of blood viscosity, agglutination change, thrombus etc, makes local blood supply of brain tissue reduce to cause ischemia and disorder of brain function. bleeding stroke is also called cerebral apoplexy. its main cause of disease and pathological basis are atherosclerosis and hypertension. ischemic stroke is more commonly seen, accounts for 70%-80% of stroke disease. among which cerebral thrombosis is commonly seen, accounts for 50%-60% of stroke disease.

  ⅱ. what symptoms do faint and stroke have?

  faint is also called transient cerebral ischemia. many faints occur in the persons above 40 years old. it is early stage symptoms of stroke disease, mild case of acute stage of stroke or signal symptoms of stroke. its main symptoms are: dizziness, feeling of fullness and pain in the head, numbness of finger or limbs and trunk, unsteady walk (hysteresis), dimness of vision, tinnitus, anypnia, restlessness, run at the mouth, stiff tongue, unclear speaking or logomania, and even lingual paralysis, hemiplegia ,no loss of consciousness caused by sudden fall etc. it is fast in morbility, also fast in recovery. most faints have no disturbance of consciousness, but may attack repeatedly. the persistent time of attack normally is a few minutes to one hour, the longest persistent time of attack will not exceed 24 hours.50%-75% of untreated faints may lead to cerebral thrombosis. most of strokes occur in the persons above 50 years old. its main symptoms are: hemiplegia, orolingual distortion, unclear speaking or logomania, unconsciousness, hemianesthesia, pale face and dark lips, frequent tic, cold hand and foot, run at the mouth etc.

  ⅲ.what kind of person is easy to suffer from faint and stroke?

  1. middle and old aged persons. when a person is middle aged, grows old gradually, his(her) metabolism will gradually decline to imbalance, produce atherosclerosis. hemorrheology and hematodynamis also are easy to produce disturbance or abnormality. gradual retrograde change of vessel wall causes arterial lumen to become narrow and insufficient blood supply of brain tissue. long term ischemia of brain not only leads to encephalatrophy, intelligence decrement. more serious is that cerebral arteriosclerosis is easy to produce faint and stroke.

  2. the persons of atherosclerosis. in present medical world, it is generally acknowledged that arteriosclerosis is foundation of affection of stroke and basic cause of disease of stroke occurrence. atherosclerosis is because increase of cholesterol and blood lipid in the blood, and other lipids aggregate on internal wall of artery to make arterial vessel wall become thick, form atherosclerosis, and make blood vessel lose elasticity and lumen become narrow.

  3. the patients of high blood viscosity and abnormality of platelet agglutination. high blood viscosity will cause slow blood flow, and is easy to adhere to vessel wall to make lumen become narrow. abnormality of platelet agglutination makes blood easy to aggregate clot and adhere to arterial vessel wall or form thrombi.

  4. the patients of high blood lipid, obesity and cervical spondylopathy.

  5. the patients of coronary heart disease. because arterial blood vessels of patients of coronary heart disease has hardened and become narrow.

  6. the patients of diabetes. because the disorder of metabolism of diabetics, most of them are concurrent ateriosclerosis and high blood viscosity, make stroke incidence of diabetic is 2-3 times higher than normal person. it also is reported the stroke incidence is 21 times higher than normal person.

  7. the patients of hypertension. hypertension flow impacts arterial internal wall for long term, may cause mechanical injury of endarterium and make lipid easy to deposit in arterial internal wall. hypertension flow causes sclerous and embolic micro artery to rupture bleeding.

  8. the persons who have family history of stroke. this is because stroke has something to do with inheritance.

  ⅳ. how to prevent and treat stroke effectively?

  in present medical world, for stroke of prevention and treatment, it is advocated, prevention should be as early as possible without being ill and treatment should be as early as possible with being ill. stress should be put on preventive treatment from 40 years old. at first, the patient should prevent faint occurrence, inhibit, modify and resolute cerebal atherosclerosis. if a person suffers from faint or stroke, should treat as early as possible. in recovery stage of stroke, preventive treatment still should be strengthened to recover to normal and prevent recurrence.

  ⅴ.how to choose preventive and therapeutic drugs of stroke rightly?

  at present, there are many drugs used for acute stage of stroke, but the single-minded effective drugs used for prevention and treatment of early stage of stroke (faint, signal symptoms of stroke, or mild case of acute stage of stroke) and recovery stage of stroke are rarely seen. sanjin naomaitai is pure traditional chinese medicinal preparation of a new generation which has been approved by state drug administration for preventing and treating faint and stroke. it has markedly effects of decreasing high cholesterol, high blood lipid, anti increase of blood viscosity, thrombolysis, anti abnormality of blood pressure, softening blood vessel, promoting blood circulation, activating blood circulation and dredging blood vessel. it is the first choice drug for the great majority of middle and old aged persons to treat faint and stroke.

  ⅵ.what any other effects does sanjin naomaitai have?

  sanjin naomaitai a state-class new traditional chinese patent medicine which is prepared by utilizing traditional chinese medicinal advantages of anti senility and eliminating disease, supplementing the vital energy and activating blood circulation, dispersing stasis and dredging collateral, choosing high quality tcms of red ginseng, notoginseng , ginkgo leaf ,salvia , pueraria etc to constitute this prescription reasonably, and adopting contemporary medicinal science and technology. long term administration may supplement the vital energy and activate blood circulation, disperse stasis and dredge collateral, invigorate the brain and wake up a patient from unconsciousness. it has good effects for treating senile dementia, parkinson’s signs, neurasthenic syndrome, senile amnesia, headache, feeling of oppression in the chest, palpitation and shortness of breath etc.

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