fufang luohanguo qingfei tangjiang-凯发k8天生赢家

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name of drug】fufang luohanguo qingfei tangjiang

ingredients】siraitiae fructus、eriobotryae folium、chrysanthemi flos、armeniacae semen amarum、poria、codonopsis radix. excipients are sucrose, citric acid, menthol oil, sodium benzoate and polysorbate 80.

description】this product is yellowish brown to brown viscous liquid; aroma, sweet taste, slightly bitter.

functions and indications】clearing heat and eliminating phlegm, moistening lung and relieving cough. suitable for cough phlegm yellow, phlegm obstruction, dry throat and dry tongue syndrome of phlegm heat cough.

specification】each bottle is 150 ml.

administration and dosage】orally,20 ml each time,3 times daily.

adverse reactions】adverse reactions such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and pruritus have been reported.

contraindication】prohibited for pregnant women; patients with diabetes and cold phlegm cough should not take it


1.avoid spicy, cold and greasy food.

2.it is not advisable to take nourishing chinese medicine at the same time.

3.patients with bronchiectasis, pulmonary abscess, pulmonary heart disease, pulmonary tuberculosis should go to the hospital when coughing.

4.patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, liver disease and kidney disease should take it under the guidance of doctors.

5.children, nursing women, the elderly and the infirm should be taken under the guidance of a doctor.

6.if symptoms do not relieve after 3 days of medication, you should go to the hospital.

7.this product is not allowed for allergic people, allergic people should use with caution.

8.do not use when the character of this product changes.

9. children must be under adult supervision.

10. keep this product out of reach of children.

11.if you are using other drugs, please consult your doctor or pharmacist before using this product.

12.if the product freezes at low temperature, please place it in a cool place (no more than 20℃) and thaw it naturally before normal use.

drug interaction】drug interactions may occur if used with other drugs. please consult your doctor or pharmacist for details.

storage】sealed tightly, store in a cool place (no more than 20℃).

package】oral liquid medicinal polyester bottle.150 ml per bottle

validity】24 monthes

executive standard】state food and drug administration national drug standard


approved number】 cfda of china no.b20040022

manufacturer:guilin sanjin pharmaceutical co., ltd.

add.:no.9 renmin nan road, lingui district,guilin,guangxi,china


fax: 0086-774-5843251

web site:http://www.sanjin.com.cn

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